Hospital Management System

About Hospital Management System
The mobile application is a part of the Booking management system of the web app. Where healthcare professionals like physicians and doctors can able to pick their duties and give appointments to the organization. Here professionals have the option to choose their duties and timings for particular organizations for availability. Professionals can also set their specialty and choose their preferences of work Day or night for availability. Also, every staff member can upload their licenses and schedule appointments at their fingertips for the professionals.

- List of organizations duties posted by the admin application
- Upcoming duties notification and acknowledgment to the staff member for their duties
- Local push notification fire on desired timing to notify and the user can take action on it
- Custom scheduling for receiving notification
- Real-time update on a database for appointments and duties assigned. Based on the specialty of a doctor, physicians can schedule an appointment and are also able to set preferences for Day/Night duties
| Reactjs
| Rest API
| Fcm
| Firebasedb