Appointment Booking App
Booking System for Dental Clinic

About Booking System for Dental Clinic
This is a Saas based online booking system of Dental imaging centre. This system is launched more than around 15 years and is being used by 8 imaging centre. The portal is providing to book appointment for many types of scan/reports/x-rays etc. Dentist/patients can book their appointment at any particular time slot via web portal and get the confirmation email/messages of booking. There are many steps to check-up the patients and based on steps they can receive the notifications and emails.
- Very useful chat module
- Status of reports/scans and download center of it
- Invoices and Online payment(Stripe payment gateway is used)
- System notifications (using emails and mobile messages)
- Management of Dentist and patients
- Module for manage appointments (we can check the doctor/patients details, reports/scans which is associated, status of appointments and other many things related to appointment)
| Stripe
| Mysql
| Rest Api