Medical Marketplace Platform

About Marketplace Platform for Medical
MAS is a marketplace for medical & surgical equipment for the Latin American region. User can register either as a buyer or a seller and opt for services provided by the platform. The application is live since one year with registered users. The platform provides project posting, bidding and financial transactional facilities for users.
- Marketplace application with buyer and seller registration
- Detailed profile creation for every user, with details of their services and past projects
- Buyer can create a bid posting, select product and services required, set bid time and invite seller
- Seller can respond to bid through invite or search for any open bids and opt for bidding
- Live one to one message communication between buyer and seller
- Integration of various medical and instruments dictionaries
- Advanced search options to search for new bid or providers
- Buyer and seller portal to see all activities done like created bids, bids participated, bid won, etc.
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