Pros and Cons of React Native Application Development in 2021

React Native Application Development in India

React native app development has become more advanced over the past few years. Their primary purpose was to create native UI elements using JavaScript to fulfill developer needs. After constant modifications, many startups and entrepreneurs have adopted it for its high-performance and fast development.

The use of React Native framework is rapidly increasing day-by-day due to the rising popularity of cross-platform frameworks in the market. Therefore, it drives huge demand in the market for the best react native app development services. Kanhasoft is also a well-known react native application development company in India, which you can count on!

This article will sum up all the details on what is React Native? What are the benefits or pros & cons of hiring React Native application development company?

But before we move on to the pros and cons of react-native. Let us dive into some basic information on react-native & its popularity.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework and a JavaScript library used for developing attractive user interfaces. It is the most popular cross-platform app framework generated by Facebook. That enables you to develop native mobile apps using JavaScript.

React Native framework allows developers to build mobile apps that run on platforms such as android, iOS, macOS, tvOS, Web, etc.

Also, developers can work with react native in their existing Android or iOS projects too.

Popular businesses that opt for React Native app development

React Native framework is used from the beginning of its inception by startups, SMEs, and large enterprises around the globe. Moreover, many leading companies transform their mobile app into cross-platform app through react native framework. Below are the examples of such companies –

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Flipkart
  4. Tesla
  5. Oculus
  6. Pinterest
  7. Walmart
  8. Uber eats
  9. Skype
  10. Bloomberg

There are many more companies besides these mentioned above that have used react native app development for their projects.

Read further to know why these companies move to react native for developing mobile apps or what drives most companies to select react native app development services to accomplish their business requirements.

Pros of React Native App Development

1.   Saves time & money with reusable code & pre-built components.

Earlier, developers had to use two different frameworks for developing iOS and Android applications. Now, According to React Native principle – “learn more, write anywhere” a developer can use components of a single codebase across multiple platforms. Thus, it becomes easy to develop an app with the same code base for android & iOS platforms.

Moreover, react-native provides open-source and UI libraries that aids in speeding the development process.

Hence, choosing the mobile app development company that efficiently creates native applications can help you reduce cost & maximize development speed.

2.   It offers Hot and Live Reloading.

React native poses the hot and live reloading feature that allows the developers to view the changes and modify them accordingly.

Live reloading helps by reloading the entire app after the desired changes are made, whereas hot reloading works by reloading a specific area in the app. In short, both these features help in the speedy development & testing of the app.

3.   Easy coding with similar programming languages

React native app development becomes easy when a developer is familiar with JavaScript, which allows it to start coding instantly.

A front-end react developer can also learn to react-native quickly and can start coding. It only requires thorough research on the component in building mobile apps and then can move on to start development.

In react native framework, most of the codes are written in JavaScript & CSS. It further runs the app with its platform JavaScript engine, which provides the app with native performance, behavior & animations.

4.   Truly native look

React native allows a mobile app development company to develop real native applications with an enhanced user experience. It includes a basic set of native components that easily aligns with its native UI building blocks.

Also, it uses the native building blocks and merges them with its JavaScript, which provides the app with a native look.

Moreover, it allows the combining of Native & Reacts code to provide the same functionality as in the native app. Thus, it considers as a popular framework exceeding other frameworks such as ionic and flutter.

5.   Third-party plugin support

React Native framework is constantly upgrading for gaining better results with the support of many reusable libraries.

The react native framework is new. Therefore, it requires a third-party plugin. It provides two types of plugins – one based on JavaScript and the other is native modules. It easily integrates third-party plugins as per the requirements.

React native community or library offers the plugin through which you can further install to improve the app’s performance.

Hiring a Top Mobile App Development Company in India can make a big difference. You can contact our Mobile App Development company “kanhasoft” for game changing React Native App Development Services that helps you grow your business globally.


 6.   Strong community support

React Native is considered a trustworthy framework as it is backed by Facebook. It constantly upgrades the framework by adding new features and functionalities to resolve the developer issues. Also, React Native has a massive community of developers around the world. And has gained more than 97.8 k stars and 2,200+ contributors on GitHub.

Moreover, the react native developers get support from the react-native Facebook group and spectrum community.

7.   Personalized user-experience

The react native architecture is flexible and allows the developers to integrate various styles on the server-side by dividing the framework code, Native code, JavaScript code & styling.

In react native framework, JavaScript interacts asynchronously with its native coding environment and improves the downloading time, working speed & providing smooth and seamless performance. Thus, providing an app that is more sophisticated and user-friendly.

8.   High availability of react-native developers

React Native framework has attracted many developers towards it due to its top-notch features & functionalities.

The developers that are familiar with JS & front-end technologies also show interest in learning react native. Hence, the community of React Native is constantly increasing.

Therefore, it becomes easy to find and hire the best react native application development company for building an application that runs on two platforms efficiently.

Now let’s move on to know the cons of React Native that clear your thoughts on whether it matches your project requirements or not.

Cons of react native app development

1.   Difficult to debug

React Native mobile applications face difficulty while debugging. It is built using Java, C/C++, JavaScript that makes the debugging process tedious. Thus, the developers require knowledge of the native language of the platform. As the React Native constantly moves between the thread of JavaScript & the native environment.

Therefore, the developers integrate with Flipper to resolve the issues. It includes a set of tools to help in debugging process.

2.   Lack of support for Android & iOS features

It does not support all the features of android & iOS. Some modules are missing which need custom development.

Developers need to develop them from scratch as some features may get outdated or may be incomplete.

3.   Not ideal for all business requirements

React is popular in terms of saving time and money, but it may not suit the requirements of every business. A business that requires complex features may not work that efficiently with react native. In this case, react native may not be an appropriate choice.

When to opt for react native app development?

The pros and cons of react-native explained some of the reasons to opt for this framework.  It heavily depends on the selection of a technology stack as per your business idea, objectives, and your industry. Moreover, the budget and goals of a company are also considered while making the choice.

You can count on react native app development in the following scenarios –

  • Project with less complexity.
  • To develop an MVP app.
  • To develop elegant and interactive UI for any industry.
  • JavaScript-based applications.
  • Lower budget and rapid development.

If you have made your mind to hire the react native application development company, then you can contact us for reliable react native App development services.

Kanhasoft is the Top Mobile App Development Company in India that understands your business requirements and provides effective solutions based on them.

Wrapping up

Finally, you must be clear about why to choose to react to native app development. It is the most sought-after framework for mobile app development. Though React Native has some drawbacks like every other framework, its benefits surpass the drawbacks.

Moreover, the rapidly growing react community is likely to develop more efficient & effective components & functionalities to make the framework more powerful.

React Native is a developer and business-friendly framework for developing cross-platform mobile apps. If you are searching for platform-independent mobile app development, then React Native will provide you with the best solutions. Reach us for reliable & advanced react native app development services.

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.