Why Should More Businesses Hire a Professional PHP Developer?

Hire PHP Developer

If you own a business, you probably have a website or an application for it. No matter how small your business or startup is, the first and foremost thing that you need to have is an online presence. The growing use of the internet to access and consume information has led to more innovative web solutions on the internet. There is a huge demand from people to access information and to cater to this, web solutions are becoming and more and more advanced these days.

PHP based solutions are on a huge demand these days. A survey report by Web Technology Surveys shows that 78.9% of websites and web applications use PHP as a server-side programming language. At the end of this article, you will find out why PHP is the most preferred programming language for web application development.

Why use PHP?

As an open source framework, PHP is available for anyone who has an access to the source code. Read on to find out the advantages of PHP and why you should be using it to develop web applications and solutions.

  • Provides Flexibility

PHP offers a great level of flexibility to the programmers and coders, during and after the development. With PHP, making changes to the code or tweaking it as per the change in the requirements of the project is an easy task. It gives the developers the flexibility to implement changes at any stage of the project’s development, thereby saving a lot of time.

  • Easy Integration

One of the best features of PHP is its compatibility with all major platforms and easy integration with other technologies. PHP is compatible with Windows, Linux, Solaris, MAC OS as well as Unix and can be easily integrated with technologies such as Java. This saves the developers from redeveloping the application or software for multiple platforms.

  • Less Development Time

With PHP, developers can implement complex software solutions in less time. The development process is faster as compared to other frameworks and programming languages. Reduced development time saves a lot of efforts and money for the business.

  • High-Security Level

PHP features multiple levels of security. It has the ability to block malicious threats and attacks, thereby keeping the development process protected.

Benefits of Hiring Professional PHP Developers

Now that you are aware of how effective PHP is to develop web applications and software solutions, take a look at the benefits of hiring a professional, dedicated PHP developer for developing solutions for your business.

  • Customized Solutions

Businesses can leverage PHP for developing custom and tailor-made solutions, customized for your specific business requirements. An efficient PHP web application development company can offer you customized web apps with functionalities and features as per your requirements in a relatively quick turnaround time.

  • Easily Available

Since PHP is an open source language for web development, it does not require additional expertise and is easy to learn. It is therefore easy to find PHP developers who are efficient. It is also cost-efficient to hire PHP programmers.

  • Improved ROI

Developing customized and dynamic websites using PHP is a highly cost-effective solution. Businesses can deliver informative and meaningful content, services and offers to their target market that will help them in generating good results and benefits. This will help in generating a higher Return on Investment (ROI).

  • Good Compatibility

Web solutions developed using PHP can run smoothly across all web browsers and platforms. Professional PHP developers can offer you feature-rich applications that will run effortlessly on all major web browsers and platforms, and help you in reaching more customers and audiences through the solution.

  • Enhanced Security

Experienced and professional PHP developers can build secure and reliable web solutions for your business. Since PHP has higher security levels, developers who are skilled in the coding language can build foolproof PHP websites, ensuring no hackers or threats interrupt it.

Top 10 PHP Frameworks which Enhance the PHP Programming

To build the complex and dynamic web application, PHP developers need a more structured way of development for rapid development.  PHP frameworks are the perfect solution for developing a complex application within less time.

  • Laravel

Laravel was released in 2011. According to a survey, it is the most popular PHP framework among developers. Laravel has many features like the lightweight templating engine(blade), authentication, sessions, queueing, caching and RESTful routing.

  • Symfony

Symfony is used in many projects like Drupal content management system and phpBB. Symfony has reusable PHP libraries to create tasks like form creation, object configuration, routing, authentication and templating.

  • CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework released in 2006. CodeIgniter is easy to install and best choice to avoid PHP version conflict. CodeIgniter gives greate freedom to code. 3rd party integration needed for more complicated tasks.

  • Yii

Yii is faster framework than others. Yii is object-oriented and uses DRY coding concept. Integration with jQuery and set of AJAX-enabled features make Yii very popular.

  • Phalcon

Phalcon was released in 2012. Phalcon is written in C and C++.  Phalcon has many extraordinary features like universal auto-loader, asset management, security, and translation.

  • CakePHP

CakePHP was released in 2005. Big Brands such as BMW, Hyundai, and Express are using CakePHP for their websites. High-level of security, input validation, SQL injection prevention, XSS prevention, and CSRF are best features of CakePHP.

  • Zend

Zend is a robust and stable PHP framework. Version 2 has many cool features such as cryptographic coding tools, an easy-to-use drag and drop editor with support for front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), instant online debugging and PHP Unit testing tools, and a connected Database Wizard.

  • Slim

Slim is a PHP micro-framework. It is very useful for smaller apps development. URL routing, client-side HTTP caching, session- and cookie encryption are features of Slim.

  • FuelPHP

FuelPHP is a flexible full-stack PHP framework. It is modular and extendable. It supports MVC and HMVC both.

  • PHPixie

PHPixie was released in 2012. PHPixie also implements the HMVC design pattern. The components are 100% unit tested with minimum dependencies.

PHP has changed the landscape of web development and made it easy for business owners to set up efficient web solutions for their ventures. Are you looking for a PHP web application development company or want to hire dedicated PHP application developer for your business? Kanhasoft can help you create bespoke web applications for your specific business needs. Write to us today!

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.