Web Applications of PHP Programming Language

Web Application Development in India

PHP is a very popular open source programming language and is widely used to build web applications. Originally, the acronym PHP meant Personal Home Page, but it was changed to be a recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Pre-Processor, which could be translated literally as a hypertext pre-processor. As its name suggests, the PHP script is rendered on the server, and only static content (such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others) is sent to the user’s browser. In the scene of PHP application development in India, building software applications can be a complex, time-consuming process, however utilizing a framework can help you develop projects faster, and work better.

By removing the time and effort required to build generic components, you can dedicate more time to specific tasks and functions, and focus on sustainable, high-quality code. Here are the applications of PHP programming language made by the web application developers:

Generating PDF Files

By using a library called PDFLib, the users can generate the PDF files with PHP. The PDF format is generally the Adobe’s proprietary file type for the document exchange. An instance for why creating the PDF files come into the picture is, if you are building an online invoicing application and you need to output an HTML generated invoice in the PDF format, then you can send the invoice through an e-mail or print a copy of it to the client.

Web Content Management Systems

PHP offers support to numerous databases including MySQL, Oracle, and MS Access and is capable of interacting with other services using protocols such as IMAP, LDAP, POP3, NNTP, SNMP, HTTP, and COM. As a result, PHP has been used for creating popular web Content Management Systems (CMS), including Word Press and its plugins, the user-facing portion of Facebook, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, Silverstripe, MediaWiki, Digg, and others.

Create Flash

An open source library, such as Ming, helps to create .SWF format movies which include most of the features of Flash – gradients, bitmaps (png and jpeg), morphs, shapes, text, button, actions, and animations. Further, Flash elements like login-form and email form can be easily created and incorporated into dynamic web pages using PHP.

Building Online Community

The internet users need to feel connected to the product or message, be it applications, entertainment or products, and services. If a user has any query or needs support, then a hotline or an e-mail form is often insufficient, but with the online community, users can help solve each other’s product related issues. A community can effectively decrease the workload and provides useful feedback.

Image Processing and Generation

The user can do more than just output HTML to the browser by using GD Library with PHP and can also get the output of images in different file types including jpeg, gif, and png. This feature is useful because it allows the creation of thumbnail pictures, resizing and cropping of images, adding watermarks and even creating a photo gallery.

eCommerce Applications

From small businesses to large enterprises, selling to online shoppers is now an indispensable requirement. In PHP web application development, use of frameworks like CodeIgniter and CakePHP, PHP allows the creation of eCommerce applications in a swift and simple manner. Many of the highly used eCommerce platforms, such as OpenCart, Magento, PrestaShop, Zen Cart, AgoraCart and Ubercart, have all been created in PHP.

Web-Based systems

You can build almost any type of system using PHP and the PHP development companies can help you. Do you need an intranet system with login and password for your company employees? PHP can solve. Need a help desk system to serve your customers? A distance learning system? PHP can also do this. There is also a free and open source distance education system written with PHP. We are talking about Moodle. As we have seen, innumerable types of system can be constructed with this language. And not necessarily they need to be published on the internet. It is possible to run PHP on a local server, available only to users connected to an internal network.

Kanhasoft is such a custom web application developer that offers PHP services according to your business needs. So feel free to contact us.

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.