Python vs. PHP – Which Language Is Better for Your Application?

Web Application Development in India

PHP and Python are two different programming languages, and that their developers had a totally different goal in mind when they were designing them. PHP was initially made to be a server side, backend developer tool, while Python is far more versatile and can be used for building things other than web solutions. Python brings to mind modern applications such as machine learning and data science, while PHP is mostly associated with old-timey web development and old-school discussion forums. In the scene of web application development in India, PHP, and Python, both have become the most popular web development languages because of project budgeting and other development considerations.

Difference Between PHP and Python

PHP is developed for web developers, and it is a scripting language that operates on the server side. On the other hand, Python is far more versatile and can be used for dozens of purposes other than web development.


Python is one of the most secure programming languages and as a stand-alone solution, it can be used to write the most delicate pieces of software while PHP, on the other hand, has several security issues and those have to be handled through the use of additional tools. The PHP development companies in India form a large community where many of those security issues are addressed really fast, followed by good solutions short afterward.


Python is also more flexible than PHP, but this comes as no surprise since PHP was strictly developed as web development programming language. Thanks to the various third-party modules, Python provides many opportunities for those who decide to use it for developing web applications. When you take a look at the PHP syntax, you can see that it strongly resembles the syntax of the C programming language, while Python is extremely easy to read the language, i.e. there are no dollar signs and -> like in the PHP code. This makes the Python code easier to skim through, especially when programmers have to debug code in big projects.

Learning Curve

The learning curve is the major concern of this blog. It is the measurement of acquiring a particular language. In case of web application development, the learning curve signifies how much you have become fluent in the syntax and using the tools which are used to translate the web design into a functional code. In this case, Python wins over PHP language. For beginners, Python is much more easy to understand and more readable than PHP. In fact, PHP is not meant for new users since it has little room for mistakes done by a newbie and has rules which are much tough. PHP community, however, has put a lot of efforts into making things easy and beginner friendly. The PHP web developers India are trying all possible ways like tutorials, courses etc. in order to make it an easy language which is as easy to understand as Python.


To make a judgment about the usability of Python vs. PHP, one must first consider the structure of the languages. Python is mostly object-oriented. So is PHP, which, in a nutshell, means that it encapsulates code modules that contain certain functions and data in objects. Hire PHP web developers that are familiar with object-oriented programming so that they can use their abilities for the development of functional web applications.  

Choosing a first programming language is the toughest decision you will ever make. PHP and Python are both worthy contenders of your attention. Both languages offer many learning opportunities in the form of user-friendly syntax validation tools and training projects that ease out the learning process and allows for a firm foundation of the language. I recommend that beginners should try out both languages and then opt for one as per their particular targets and industry they wish to enter. Kanhasoft is a custom business solution provider that provides both PHP and Python services for its clients. So get in touch for your PHP or Python projects.

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.