PHP Development Trends To Watch Out For

PHP Development Trends 2019

Almost 82.4 percent of websites and web applications in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and India are developed using the PHP programming language. Its popularity in the recent years has grown tremendously because of its simple coding structure that helps to standardize the entire process.

Developers feel more comfortable with PHP web development compared to other programming languages because it helps to focus on one area at a time. Another reason for its growing popularity is that it is an open source programming language, which means it is completely free to use. It supports MySQL, MS SQL, and Oracle databases without any trouble.

Considering that it is the best programming language for web applications development, it holds great potential in playing a major role in future technologies.

Let’s take a look at some of the most exciting PHP development trends to watch out for:

1. Small Businesses and Startups

It is expected that by 2025, more than 50 percent of American enterprises will have 10+ running applications. PHP language is the most suitable for building enterprise applications because it can handle huge amounts of data. Using PHP, you can start as a minimum viable product and then keep growing it just like Facebook did.

The language is open source and has a lot of ready-to-use bundles and libraries that make it less vulnerable to major changes in the field of web development. Also, dedicated PHP developers in India charge less pay per hour cost because there are way too many, which is beneficial for small businesses and startups, who know what they want and provide an in-detail documentation on the task.

2. IoT Technology

We all know that IoT technology is a complex virtual structure of three layers, which requires a dynamic language, which also offers faster coding. And PHP fits right into the requirements, making it the best infrastructure solution. The newly introduced PHP 7 allows coders to access asynchronous programming that lets PHP code to carry out multiple tasks in a single script.

3. Better Language

PHP 7 was introduced in 2015 and ever since has been updated four times with major importance given to improve security. Some of the other improvements include memory new interoperability features, usage optimization, and faster code execution. Hire PHP web development company because they have well adapted to PHP 7 by now and can offer you better services.

4. Outsourcing PHP Development

The Global IT outsourcing market is expected to grow by six percent in 2019. The reason to outsource is low costs, so many American and European Union countries companies hire PHP application development agency India. The huge difference in currency rate has encouraged the trend. Eastern Europe is the second favorite outsourcing market for them as former USSR countries including Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus have an hourly rate of only $35.

5. Java and PHP

It is expected for several companies to develop web applications that are a combination of Java and PHP. Java is one of the most secure programming languages, while PHP offers speed. Combining the two helps companies to reduce costs and upgrade their applications in a relatively shorter time.

6. Flexibility in Use

You started as a small company and built a web application or website on WordPress. Now, you are in a situation where you want to expand it. You can either choose to borrow libraries from different places and upgrade but you need a middleware for that. Middleware is a bridge between web applications and OS/database. There are multiple middleware solutions available readily, including Slim 3 and Zend Expressive, which you can use to access any PHP framework library. Only hire PHP web developer India who is up to date with the latest advancements, so that your web application will turn out to be the best version of itself.

Benefits of PHP, Which Never Lets to Die It

  • Dynamic: The most popular reason is, it allows PHP developers to create dynamic websites.
  • Linux Distribution: PHP can be easily packaged with all the Linux distributions and so it makes it very easy to run with 2 commands on the command-line.
  • Treads:  PThreads helps to run different threads which enhances the ability execution IMHO on multi-core systems.
  • Interesting Modules: One of the modules is image processing which has integration with GD.

PHP Trends for User Interface

  • Responsive Web: Social Media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Emails and E-commerce websites like Amazon, eBay and Snapdeal are the frequent websites people search in mobile and tablets. For making convenient to the user and giving best experience these site owners must ensure that these are responsive.
  • Presentation: Infographics, Visual effects, and Online presentations keep user engaging to your website.
  • Flash: Flash is used to create 3D interaction which can be banner ads and games.
  • Header Bar: Header used to express the brand and services you offered.
  • Special Effects: Parallax scrolling is used to give your images and banners 3D effect.

Skills of PHP Developers Which are Remarkable

  • Client-side Scripting: Good knowledge in client-side scripting languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
  • Database: Knowledge of integrating various database like MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, Oracle etc.
  • Frameworks: Basic knowledge of frameworks like Laravel, CakePHP, Zend, FatFree, CodeIgniter, Symfony, and Yii.
  • OOPs: PHP developer should know the OOPS Concepts and how to use them.

Where the Demand for PHP Development is Very High?

  • To begin with, this astounding server-side scripting language can be utilized to perform various modules. One of this is,  to create dynamic pages having dynamic content which comprise of animation and flash in this way making it feasible for you to make a customized site which can be the point of convergence of thought for various clients or visitors.
  • Second is for the independent user, PHP is open source and it can be easily converted in HTML.
  • Developers easily use PHP MYSQL to control and repair all front, backend activities, and script installations without any queries.
  • It is widely used for creating email supervision, social media sites, content management systems, and other tasks.

To know more about how PHP web applications work, contact Kanhasoft today. We offer PHP web development services at competitive prices supported by skilled knowledge.

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.