Announcing the Launch of our New Website Kanhasoft

Web and Mobile App Development in India

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new, revamped websites! After dedicating our two months of hard work with immense dedication, brainstorming and hundreds of cups of coffee into the website strategy, layout and content, we are now officially launching the website on Dec 12th, 2017. The new site is live and accessible from the URL

There is a popular legend in the IT industry that it is difficult for a software company to design & develop its own website. We surely did believe it to be true! Our goal with the new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to get access and learn more about KanhaSoft’s services and solutions. The interactive new website gives easy access to KanhaSoft state of the art technical services like web application development, mobile app development, product development and resource hiring models. We have displayed an extensive list of our successful projects with our clients in past with details of the project, technology involved and screenshots. Not to forget about the links to our social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Please do follow our social media accounts to get easy access to our updates.

This is just a beginning and we will constantly update our website, especially this Blog section with helpful articles, information, blogs, newsletters, company announcements and project successes. We hope you find the new website with a fresh look, easily accessible information and we hope to establish this website as an important source of information for everyone.

And finally, we would like to thank our awesome staff members at KanhaSoft who contributed their valuable time and energy in making this site what it is today.

We would love to hear from you, about your feedback, suggestions and of course project inquiries.

Thank You!

Manoj B.
[email protected]

Call: +91 99983-00594

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.