Detailed Comparison Between Node and Python

NodeJS Vs. Python

Happy to read the blog for Python Vs NodeJS, Let’s start!

What is Python?

Python is the open source high-level programming language. It is a general programming scripting language. Django is one of the best frameworks of the Python. Due to whitespaces, it gives the clear look in coding. Automatic memory management and dynamic features make are very popular among the developers.  It is easy to learn and used for simple projects as well as the large scale web application development. Due to the availability of various interpreters, it can be used on the number of Operating systems. The large library of Python helps in various tasks like GUI, Networking, Framework, Database, Automation, Scientific, Image, and Text Processing, Scraping etc.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is the open source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment used for server-side scripting. The basic purpose of it to use JavaScript on web servers, web application security, and managing computing resources. The major use of it is creating highly scalable servers without threading, through the concept of event-driven programming. It is used to develop various i/o operations, browser games, real-time web applications, and communication programs. The legend companies like LinkedIn, GoDaddy, Microsoft, PayPal, Netflix, Walmart, and Yahoo use NodeJS Application Development.

Here are the Few points to consider Between Python and NodeJS


Python NodeJS
Easy to use Fast Server-Side Language
Fast Development Scalability
Rich Standard Library with Ecosystem The single language can be used for front-end as well as back-end.
Rich Frameworks available like Pyramids, Django, Flask High Demand in Startups
Python is extremely portable Easy to learn with fewer dependencies
Supports Machine learning and computer vision Easy to monitor, deploy and support
Object-oriented Language Supports the single as well as multi-threaded applications


Python NodeJS
Not available on mobile browsers Less efficient CPU intensive operations
Do not support Domain Specific Language NPM modules lack proper documentation
Low latency and slow performance in communication like VoIP Lacks community supports
For complex applications, it is not preferable Call-backs, Debugging, Error handling
Overall maintenance is complex

Python Vs NodeJS

1) Performance

Node is significantly faster than Python. NodeJs is based on Chrome’s V8, which is the powerful fast platform. That’s why NodeJs is the preferred choice to create real-time applications. Python is not helpful where the memory-intensive feature is involved. That’s why it is not preferable where heavy 3D graphics are used.

2) Error Handling

NodeJs and Python, both supports throwing and catching exceptions. But Python is easier in debugging and bug-fixing than NodeJS.

3) Learning Curve

Python is easy in learning due to clear and compact syntax. Python requires less code than NodeJS. And Python is 25 yrs old so large community and proper documentation and tutorials are available on the Internet.

4) Scalability and Concurrency

With I/O operations NodeJS creates single-thread asynchronous architecture. This feature gives Node.JS smooth scalability in simple web apps. Python does not support asynchronous programming by default. But, achieving is not a big deal in python.

Real-Time Use Cases where they shift from Python to NodeJS

1) Voxer

Voxer app is a walkie-talkie app, created in 2009 for soldiers to use in the battlefield.  It was initially built up in C++ but they switch to Python and later on to NodeJS due to slow performance and low latency VoIP issues of Python.

2) CloudKick

CloudKick is the cloud computing server management and monitoring SAAS Platform, launched in 2009. Initially, it was in Python. Larger business logic and OPM service forced them to switch NodeJS.

Both Python and NodeJS have the same end goals. Which platform is best suited to you is based on your business need and features. Kanhasoft – Web Application Development Company, will help you to decide the language. We work with both languages. Contact us today.


Q: What is Node.js?
A: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to handle I/O operations efficiently.

Q: What is Python?
A: Python is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language that emphasizes code readability and simplicity. It is widely used in web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and more.

Q: What are the similarities between Node.js and Python?
A: Both Node.js and Python are popular programming languages that are used for web development, server-side programming, and more. They both have large communities, extensive libraries, and support for multiple platforms.

Q: What are the differences between Node.js and Python?
A: Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment, while Python is a general-purpose programming language. Node.js is best suited for building real-time, scalable, network applications, while Python is ideal for data analysis, scientific computing, and machine learning.

Q: Which language is faster, Node.js or Python?
A: Node.js is generally faster than Python for I/O-intensive tasks, such as serving HTTP requests, handling real-time data, and building chat applications. However, Python performs better than Node.js for CPU-intensive tasks, such as scientific computing and machine learning.

Q: Which language is easier to learn, Node.js or Python?
A: Python is often considered easier to learn than Node.js because of its simple syntax, readability, and extensive documentation. However, Node.js can be easier to learn for developers who are already familiar with JavaScript.

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I am business leader with over 13 years of experience in IT Industry currently serving as business owner.